Understanding Basic Command Line Linux

1. ls

The ls command - the list command - functions in the Linux terminal to show all of the major directories filed under a given file system. For example, the command:

ls /applications

...will show the user all of the folders stored in the overall applications folder.
The ls command is used for viewing files, folders and directories.

2. cd

The cd command - change directory - will allow the user to change between file directories. As the name command name suggest, you would use the cd command to circulate between two different directories. For example, if you wanted to change from the home directory to the Arora directory, you would input the following command:


As you might have noted, the path name listed lists in reverse order. Logically cd/arora/applications reads change to the arora directory which is stored in the applications directory. All Linux commands follow a logical path

3. mv

The mv command - move - allows a user to move a file to another folder or directory. Just like dragging a file located on a PC desktop to a folder stored within the "Documents" folder, the mv command functions in the same manner. An example of the mv command is.

mv/arora/applications/majorapps /arora/applications/minorapps

The first part of the command mv/arora/applications/majorapps lists the application to be moved. In this case, arora. The second part of the command /arora/applications/minorapps lists where arora will be moved to - from majorapps to minorapps.

4. man

The man command - the manual command - is used to show the manual of the inputted command. Just like a film on the nature of film, the man command is the meta command of the Linux CLI. Inputting the man command will show you all information about the command you are using. An example:

man cd

The inputting command will show the manual or all relevant information for the change directory command.

5. mkdir

The mkdir - make directory - command allows the user to make a new directory. Just like making a new directory within a PC or Mac desktop environment, the mkdir command makes new directories in a Linux environment. An example of the mkdir command

mkdir testdirectory

The example command made the directory "testdirectory".

6. rmdir

The rmdir - remove directory - command allows the user to remove an existing command using the Linux CLI. An example of the rmdir command:

rmdir testdirectory

The example command removed the directory "testdirectory".

It should be noted: both the mkdir and rmdir commands make and remove directories. They do not make files and they will also not remove a directory which has files in it. The mkdir will make an empty directory and the rmdir command will remove an empty directory.